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Beltane Flower Moon in Scorpio Sunday May 3,2015

We will be spending the evening singing and dancing beneath the moon at Desa Seni Eco Village Retreat, Bali, Indonesia.

I recently found an Instagram account that shines so brightly, @goddessrising, a lovely post from Achintya Devi on her website:

Here is a small piece of her writing abou this majestic moon..... " Traditionally, Beltane is a Celtic fire festival in celebration of fertility, passion and the waking of Mother Earth from winter's slumber into the blossoming of Spring. Thus, this is known as the Flower Moon and is an invitation for you to also blossom into the fullness of your passion and pleasure.

With the moon in Scorpio, we are navigating through the watery depths of ourselves, to know, but mostly to feel what our truest desires are. You are being called to investigate yourself with the translucent light of the moon and set free any surfacing conditions that keep you chained to beliefs and programming (whether from society, religion, or self etc) that keep you from FEELING amazing and LIVING your purpose and your gifts....[...]''- Achintya Devi

Blessings Sister.

Photo Source: Pinterest

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