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Tossin' and Turning

Eyes open and wheels turning. I have been feasting on juice for the past 5 days and my brian is become more active than ever before, My mind is wired and sleep is very restless. I lay awake in the midst of darkness, in a dreamlike state but fully conscious of the waking world. This state is full of possibilities, opportunites, and fears. On the cupst of sleep, I just want to transfer over. But something is keeping me here, with my conscious mind. Sleep is a place of rejuevnation and creativity. We sleep at night to repair the physical body and allow our conscious mind to wander freely without boundaries.

I calm my breath.

Relax my jaw.

Tense my body then fully surrender.

Chanting subtle words and rhyms through my body.

But I lay awake.

My breaths elongate.

My eyes grow tired.

My mine still dancing in a rainbow festival.

There is so much to experience.

Reminding myself we have all the time in the world to wander.

No need to experience at lightning speed.

Slow Down.

Be still.

Ground and surrender.

Surrender to the over active mind.

With love and patience I transfer over.

Finally at last..

I am finally in the world of pure magic.

Dream State.

3 Techniques to Ehance Sleep Quality:

|| Technology free zone- no phone, TV, computer, Ipod 2 hours before bed || Lights can affect the circadian rhythm, resulting in your mind being stimulated, which decreases the quality of sleep. Your sleep quality can be affected by what you watch or hear before bed. Increasing your relaxation before bed will enhance your overall sleep, giving you more energy and love throughout the day.

|| Yoga Nidra [Yogis sleep/Deep Relaxation] || Imgaine being completely relaxed but still remainging conscious. Your mind is relaxed, with thoughts drifting in and out, no attachment or contemplation. This sleep-like state is among one of the deepest possible states of relaxation while still maintaining fully conscious. If you have not tried a Yoga Nidra, many studio offer a deep relaxation class or workshop. The interweb also has many audios available. Find your favorite yoga nidra, press play, leave your technology device on the other side of the room faced down, crawl into bed, laying on your back, breath slow and long, eye lids gently resting closed, and listen... Becoming lost in deep relaxation, you will be sure to wake up the next morning feeling energized and nourished. (Set your alarm beforehand if you needed).

|| Elongating the breath while imagining you are sinking into a white fluffy cloud || Returning to your breath is the fastest and more efficient way to slow down your Central Nervous System. This is also known as the Para-Sympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems. The Para-Sympathetic system is also called "Rest and Digest" this area controls the homeostasis (balance) within our body. Before we curl up into our oh so comfy bed our bodies love being in the state of "Rest and Digest", giving us a nourishing sleep for the day ahead. Slowing down your breath is the easiest way to return to that state. Keep your inhales as long as your exhales, having a slight pause in between. Move the breath around your body where tension is being held, if any- Inviting white light to create space and openness.

Photo Source: Pinterest

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